Holy Trinity Lutheran Church




Application for Wedding Service
Did you see our Rose Garden? It's ideal for picture taking after your ceremony. It's also Free!

Please contact Ben at (973) 678-1484 if you have any questions.
Bride's Name:
City: State: Zip:
Home Phone: Work Phone:
Groom's Name:
City: State: Zip:

Home Phone:

Work Phone:
# of Guests:
Wedding Date: (mm/dd/yy)
Time: a.m . p.m.
Is either the Bride or Groom under the age of 18? Yes

I understand and agree that:

  1. I am responsible for making the appointment(s) for premarital counseling at least one month before the wedding with the pastor who is conducting the service.
  2. The deposit to reserve the date is nonrefundable.
  3. I will personally make any changes in date and time of wedding with the pastor conducting the service.
  4. I will read and abide by the content and policies of the wedding brochure, "Planning Your Wedding", and will be responsible for the wedding party abiding by policies and instructions.
  5. Two hours time will be allotted for wedding service: beginning 1 hour prior to the service (for preparation), and ending 1 hour after (including the concluding of photographs) the scheduled service time.
  6. On rare occation it may be necessary for the church to substitute pastors.
  7. All fees are to be paid two weeks prior to the wedding date. The service will not take place until all fees are paid in full.
  8. If cancellation of wedding plans is necessary, that it must be made in writing.
Use of Church Building(s) $125
Use of Church Equipment $25
Reception $55
Organist $75
Soloist $75
Wedding Hostess $55
Sound Technician $55
Custodian $55


Do you wish to pay the Deposit now?
Payment Amount / Method Credit Card No. Expiration Date Cardholder's Name